Following the units in Norway, the network has registered a high number of new units going online from all over the world.
Canada, USA and Europe, all have new radiation monitors:

  • 11000024 in Vancouver, Canada
  • 1100001F in Richmond, Canada
  • 1100001B close to Detroit, USA
  • 1100001C in Jeannette, close to Pittsburgh, USA
  • 1100001A in Abingdon, close to Oxford, UK
  • 11000012 close to Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1100002B in Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 11000026 close to Frankfurt, Germany
  • 11000022 in Ulm, Germany
  • 11000020 in La Spezia, Italy
  • Most of them have regular readings. The unit in Italy registers the highest radiation values, with 0.17uSv/h:
    All the other data is available on the radiation map page. To get a uRADMonitor dosimeter and help the project, see join the network.