By uRADMonitor, on November 22, 2014
11000012, 1100001A, 1100001B, 1100001C, 1100001F, 11000020, 11000022, 11000024, 11000026, 1100002B, Canada, Detroit, Germany, Italy, netherlands, radiation monitor, united kingdom, United States
Following the units in Norway, the network has registered a high number of new units going online from all over the world.
Canada, USA and Europe, all have new radiation monitors:
11000024 in Vancouver, Canada
1100001F in Richmond, Canada
1100001B close to Detroit, USA
1100001C in Jeannette, close to Pittsburgh, USA
1100001A in Abingdon, close to Oxford, UK
11000012 close to Amsterdam, Netherlands
1100002B in Rotterdam, Netherlands
11000026 close to Frankfurt, Germany
11000022 in Ulm, Germany
11000020 in La Spezia, Italy
Most of them have regular readings. The unit in Italy registers the highest radiation values, with 0.17uSv/h:
All the other data is available on the radiation map page. To get a uRADMonitor dosimeter and help the project, see join the network.
why not one from canada, we ave uranium mine (up nort) and some
nuclear reactor, not manny but some. y even ave an indiustrie
who work in recycling radio-isotop for medical recycling supply
14 kilometre from my home.
just asking.