
Frontend / Site v6.0

A new frontend update was recently deployed, following the 5.0 back in 2017. There were two major requirements for this change: one was to make the data access easier and the second, to improve the rendering on mobile devices. These new features were strongly requested by the community, but also by independent reviewers like Electronza. […]


Site v5.0

The continuous improvements to the uRADMonitor network are demanding more changes both to the units themselves but also to the central infrastructure. While we saw considerable progress on the hardware side with the model D and the new model A3 and model CITY units, the server was also been in the attention with important new […]


Server upgrade / Site v4.0

The complexity of the uRADMonitor system stretches from a multitude of compact hardware detectors capable of sensing the invisible ionising radiation and air quality, to the big data software solutions that can handle the huge amounts of data in real time. With the network spreading at a fast pace, periodic upgrades on the server side […]