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  • in reply to: OSX Client for menu bar #5250

    Just a quick note. I updated the script to show more value.

    If you click on device number, your default browser (safari, firefox, chrome, …) will open and show your device on urad monitor website.

    in reply to: OSX Client for menu bar #4380

    Thanks for your answer.

    Here is a ZIP archive link.

    Hope it help!

    in reply to: OSX Client for menu bar #4378

    I forgot: my plugin is not yet commited to BitBar application.

    It is only available on my repository.

    I wait uradmonitor forum user to test it.

    in reply to: OSX Client for menu bar #4376

    Just download this file:

    And then, put it in a directory on your computer.

    In BitBar, browse to the same directory and click OK.
    Bitbar will find available plugin (mine) and launch it.

    Don’t forget to modify IP adress on the file, prior to use 😉

    in reply to: Firmware upgrade #1647

    Updated mini unit (#18) today.

    I was using a cheap USBasp from China (Model, and I desoldered a CMS resitor to have 3.3V.

    Cheap USBasp from

    For those having communication troubles (USBasp appear to be incorrectly working), there is a fix. There is 220 Ohms resistors between SPI lines that sometime broke connection. Just remove them. See this post (with image):

    I did the upgrade on a Mac Os (hackintosh), using CrossPack fro AVR (the one featured in Radu article).

    Everything went good, and I have a nice and powerful unit with JSON reading! 😀

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by martin.
    in reply to: Introduce Yourself! #726

    Hi everybody,

    I’m Martin from France, near Pays de la Loire (remember white wine, you are close to my place!).

    I’m a former Network guru (I did Wi-Fi legalize in France in 2002), and by now I am enjoying life between my favorites jobs: extreme photographer (rope access on national heritage and archeologist mission in desert), pyrotechnician (firework making) and hardware/low level design/hacking.

    I joined urad network as we are living close to a Nuclear Power Plant (Chinon), and realize how things are really going inside theses places. I met a lot off nuclear workers, and they all told me the same thing: dozen of contractors without knowledge and partial overhaul maintenance. I even heard about leaks that are communicated months after, just to keep tourists in our region…

    This network is a good way to have an independent monitoring tool, who can alert people and ONG (like French’s Criirad) about real risks.

    BTW, I run unit #11000018!

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