Home Forum Software Firmware upgrade

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    I have made some very good progress with an updated firmware which opens port 80 on the unit, so you can connect to it via your browser in the local network. As soon as it is finished, and it passes all stability tests, it will be released for update. The idea with this is to break the dependancy to the central server: in case something bad happens and the server goes down, the unit’s measurements can still be directly accessed in the local network, using only the Internet Browser.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by uRADMonitor.

    Good news!

    Do you have room for more features in there? An avahi server whould be nice. Giving people with Mac or Linux (don’t know about windows support) the possibility of reaching it by typing http://uradmonitor.local or similar. No need to look up IP in router DHCP table.

    How is the update performed? Via ethernet, or do we have to pop it open?


    We’ll need to open the units and do the update manually 🙁

    Wish there was a way to implement OTA updates, but that’s simply not possible with the current firmware.

    To update, a programmer is needed. I personally use the USPAsp. Any of these two variants will work:
    Though I prefer the one with longer cable. Also it’s important they are set to 3.3V using the jumper. Using it set at 5V is dangerous for the Ethernet module in the uRADMonitor unit.


    You mention that OTA update is not possible in the current firmware. Are OTA updates possible in future firmware releases?

    I’m sure a lot of us have some experience of circuit boards, flashing firmware, etc, but there could equally be just as many people afraid to brick their unit by opening it up. And anyway, doesn’t opening it up void the warranty? 😉


    It sure does! 🙂 The risk is there, alright. The hardware is the problem, it just doesn’t have enough memory to store the download, and then replace the current firmware, like it’s done with other OTA updates.

    The microcontrollers used are the atmega328p, with 32K of flash, 2KB ram and 1KB eeprom.

    The binary firmware is currently getting close to 14KB.

    I guess some will be able to update the firmware, while some will only be able to continue using the stock one.


    Really nice choice micro-controller choice 🙂
    Most people who tinkered around with Adruino, should have general idea where to start.


    The first uRADMonitor devices used the mega168, but the project grew in complexity so the upgrade was natural.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to integrate OTA, using an exotic technique: having the code run in the first 16KB section of flash (offset 0), download the new firmware in the second section (offset 16K), than move new firmware block to offset 0 when download is ready. This might require a bootloader. I wonder if its possible to do it without one?

    Anyone has any experience with this?


    I found someone on Amazon that looks to be selling the programmers state-side for those in the US. I ordered one; let you guys know how it works.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mike.

    Feel free to post a link Mike!


    Yup, that’s the one. Just remember to set it to 3.3V when using it with the uRADMonitor PCB.

    By default it comes configured for 5V, and there is a switch (or a resistor that needs to be cracked/unsoldered) to change it to 3.3V. There is silk print indicating this on one of the sides.


    Great news !

    I ordered an USBasp on ebay (switchable tot 3.3V) in the expectation of the new firmware.

    Thank you for your work radhoo !


    Just got the programmer from Amazon and it is the right one and does indeed have the 3.3v/5v 0ohm resister on the back.


    Just purchased this one:


    So happy to help testing the new firmware 🙂


    I just set up the current firmware, Radu sent me.
    It works fine and fixes the minor DHCP error we described.

    • Programmer: AVR Dragon (USB)
    • Software: Atmel Studio 6.2 -> Tools -> Device Programming
    • I made a simple converter from 6-pin ISP to 10-pin ISP.
      The 10-pin header has to be connected rotated as @Radu describes.
    • The AVR Dragon does not supply the 3.3V power. You have to power the device itself. Dragons level shifters get powered from the urad-device.

    It is very dangerous to open any electric device, especially this one.
    Do only what you, yourself understand and can absolutely take all the responsibility.


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