Home Forum Software uRADMonitorX

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    Also when I say “Any Port” you will need to pick a set port that isn’t used by any other TCP or UDP protocol somewhere above port 4096


    What should be the default radiation value (in uSv/h because cpm is detector specific) to trigger the notification?


    I’ve added system tray notifications and made a few minor improvements.
    You can find the new version (0.39.0) here in the release directory.

    Also, the source code is available on GitHub.


    Thanks nox,I’m giving it a try now. So far so good 🙂


    New version works well, notifications look good 🙂



    under Tools the function “View Device Online Data” is after the redesign of Radu’s Webpage not more working.



    Hi, Peter.

    Are you using the latest version (0.39.3) of uRADMonitorX?

    Also, you can check the changelog for more details.

    If the problem persists please let me know.


    Laurent Lieben

    Just a quick confirmation that it works fine with Mac OSX El Capitan running Mono.


    Hi, Laurent. That’s good to know.

    P.S. I think that at least RegisterAtWindowsStartup is not working because it is OS-specific.


    I’ve released a new version (0.40.0) that should work better with Wine/Mono.
    My test environment is openSUSE 13.2 (x86_64)/KDE4/Mono 3.8.0.


    Amazing progress on the app.


    Thanks, Radu.

    Next I want to add a new major feature that will give users updates from the network (data/events from nearby stations).

    Mads Barnkob

    I can not get it to connect to my device, 1100003, one of the first devices ever put in public hands and thus the firmware is also that old 🙂

    I only have put in for the IP, no port, I confirmed the IP from my router interface.

    Is it just the firmware being too old or anyhting you want me to check first?


    Mads Barnkob, probably the culprit is an older firmware. My application works only if your device exposes the readings via an web page (see: requirements for uRADMonitorX)

    The solution is (if possible) to upgrade your firmware to version 110 at least (also check the Firmware Upgrade Guide).


    Howdy everyone!

    I’ve just released a new version (1.1.0) of the application.

    Two new features were added: Check for Updates and Data logging. Also, starting with version 1.x .NET 4.0 is required.

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