Munich, 30th of January 2018

From a total of 940 submissions, only 28 young companies and techpreneurs were invited as finalists at the WT|Wearable Technologies Conference 2018 EUROPE (#WTEU18). Their extremely innovative and groundbreaking products were presented on stage at the pitch and award ceremony of the IOT / WT Innovation World Cup® 2018.

Radu Motisan, CEO of MagnaSCI SRL presenting uRADMonitor

“Look outside, it feels like Spring. But we’re in the middle of the Winter! And if the things we throw in the air can change the climate that way, just imagine what they can do to our health!”

The air we breath directly impacts our health. The quality of our environment directly impacts the quality of our life. Our bold technological advancements came at a cost and our modern way of living damaged our world, our environment and our health. Turning things the other way around, our work uses technology to reverse the damage, make people more aware and fight back pollution. uRADMonitor means two things: Devices equipped with sensors for Air Quality monitoring of cities, offices and homes, and the global network made of these devices spread in more than 40 countries that generate open, uncensored, uniform and comparable Environmental data so we can understand the big picture on pollution.

The uRADMonitor network formed by 800 detector units to this date

The uRADMonitor proprietary hardware detectors

The uRADMonitor technology

We’ve reached 800 units globally generating an impressive amount of big data that characterizes important environmental parameters across large areas and time intervals. The data includes measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity, Volatile organic compounds (VOC), Carbon Dioxide, Formaldehyde, Particulate Matter PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide as requested by various international legislations on environmental monitoring, via 5 proprietary hardware products designed on an IOT topology to collect data in real time while lowering costs. From the very begining, we did no compromise on product quality, as it has a direct impact on the quality of the data, using the best sensors on the market like the Bosch BME680 and new technologies like the LoRaWAN connectivity from LoraAlliance that is used to send data wirelessly across large distances.

Amazing results!

Being amongst the best 3 percent of products submitted was a great honour for uRADMonitor and we were there to showcase the existing products, and most important to present the new “uRADMonitor AIR” wearable that is approaching production. The new wearable product will speed up data collection and bring the monitoring closer to those places were we live our lives, in cities, offices, on the streets, parks and so on: for more relevant data related to our way of living and our health.

Meda presenting the uRADMonitor products at WT|Wearable Technologies Conference 2018 EUROPE

The very first uRADMonitor AIR product was presented at the event

The design and production of our first wearable were specifically pushed to meet this event with intense development the prior week. Like it always happens, the software was finalised in the evening before the conference, after a long trip to Munchen:

Driving to the event’s location was perfect for the first tests and so precious Particulate Matter PM2.5 data from across south Germany started to flow in. This was just a test as the device is to be used as a wearable by joggers, bikers or other individuals interested in knowing what they breath.

Radu installing the first wearable prototype on the outside of the car and checking the data afterwards

This quick hardware and software development allowed Radu to have the very first uRADMonitor wearable on his arm at the presentation. The device was on and recording real time air quality data as the conference progressed. After the event, on the return from Munchen, the device was once again installed on the outside of the car, with some interruptions due to snow. This way it gathered about 15K datapoints from all across Europe!

15K PM2.5 datapoints across Central Europe with innovative low cost hardware

This shows a huge potential for Environmental monitoring using low cost hardware. It also increases awareness of the individuals using this technology and helps them protect their health.

Increased pollution levels

The readings showed PM2.5 values of as high as 250ug/m3 mostly due to inversion trapping emissions from diesel engine cars, industry and wood fires used for heating. The measured values are alarming, and they come at no surprise as the smoke in the air could be smelled over large areas, especially in the Est. This, among other factors, is what actually contributes to a huge number of premature deaths across Europe caused by improper Air Quality. A briefing on this topic is available here, while a more detailed report is here.
These reports show figures as high as 500.000 people killed each year in Europe! The news are devastating and we are commited to changing that. uRADMonitor’s long term mission is to contribute to lowering these figures in the years to come.

The competition results

The finalists of the leading open innovation competition for IoT and wearables solutions demonstrated the innovation happening today in the industry. For all those that participated, it was a great chance to see innovation turning into products to make our lives easier.

There were four categories: ‘Lifestyle’, ‘Sports & Fitness’, ‘Healthcare’, and ‘Industrial’ and three special challenges: the EBV IoT Hero Special Prize, the Geeny Connected Living Challenge and the AIQ Smart Clothing Challenge. Read more here. Congratulations to the 7 winners and all the finalists!

The best 3%, winners and finalists together

Christian Stammel, founder and CEO of WT|Wearable Technologies, concluded the conference with the next related events to take place in several locations worldwide:

We’re honoured

Thanks go to “NAVISPACE AG – accelerating innovation” and the entire team behind the Innovation World Cup® . Follow them on Twitter @IWCNavispace and Facebook @IWCseries.