WT Conference

uRADMonitor at #MWC18

For the second time at the Mobile World Congress, uRADMonitor now participated as a finalist of the LoRaWAN™ Challenge. The event took place on Tuesday, the second day of the MWC week. uRADMonitor was presented in front of an audience of IoT professionals including representatives from the LoRa Alliance™, Semtech, STMicroelectronics, EBV Elektronik and others. […]


IOT/WT Innovation World Cup

Munich, 30th of January 2018 From a total of 940 submissions, only 28 young companies and techpreneurs were invited as finalists at the WT|Wearable Technologies Conference 2018 EUROPE (#WTEU18). Their extremely innovative and groundbreaking products were presented on stage at the pitch and award ceremony of the IOT / WT Innovation World CupĀ® 2018. Radu […]