We planned to extend the uRADMonitor network and go from Radiation monitoring to Air pollution and the first steps towards this goal included the uRADMonitor model D detector, capable of tracking multiple environmental parameters. As a continuation of this effort, we’re pleased to announce a new addition to the family of uRADMonitor detectors. Named A3, this is our forth product continues the radiation monitoring functionality, while adding powerful sensors to map the air quality.

Model A3 sensors

The A3 features a SI29BG (or other small size tube) radiation detector, a laser scattering Particulate matter sensor, an electrochemical formaldehyde sensor, a NDIR CO2 sensor and the BME680 from Bosch.
It is a fixed monitoring unit, and uses a little fan to force an active airflow. It can measure an impressive total of 8 environmental parameters:
– background Gamma Radiation
– PM1.0/2.5/10.0 particulate matter (0 .. 1000ug/m^3)
– formaldehyde (0..5ppm)
– CO2 (0..5000ppm)
– air temperature -40 .. +85C
– air humidity 0 .. 100% RH
– air quality / VOC 0..100mg/m^3 reducing gases and 0..10mg/m^3 oxidising gases
– barometric pressure 300 .. 1100hPa

The enclosure

Following the direction crystallised by the previous products, we’ve opted for a high quality rugged metallic enclosure made of anodised aluminium.
Optional end plates include wall mounting sockets.

The software

For this new model, we’re currently making changes to the way the information is being presented to the end user. The new measurements need more intuitive representation in regards to the air quality: a simple but informative dashboard, presenting an air quality index and the factors that can impact our health

The final product

The A3 has sensors for Gamma radiation, formaldehyde, CO2 (a NDIR sensor), the BME680 from Bosch for tVOC Air quality (+temperature, barometric pressure, air humidity), and a laser scattering sensor for PM2.5 particulate matter (a total of 8 important parameters being monitored). The A3 also comes in 4 variants, with the same sensor but offering different connectivity options: Ethernet, Wifi, GSM/GPRS (data sim must be provided by the user) and LoraWAN.
The data collected by these units will have a signifiant relevance to human health and will help us understand pollution factors in cities, busy streets, offices, production centres and homes, contributing to an improved quality of life.