

Hardware version 9

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A high quality, automated radiation dosimeter, in a rugged rainproof aluminium enclosure. It runs on little power and doesn't need a computer. Measurements are transmitted automatically to the Internet using an Ethernet connection to your internet Router. They can be accessed on the uRADMonitor portal or in your local network, directly.
It comes with:
Power adapter, power cable, ethernet cable, instructions

Available, ships right away.

More: Example | Datasheet | API | USB

Price: $389 USD

Ron, Canada: "I really appreciate all the hard work you have put into this project over the years and wish you continued success."

uRADMonitor model A uses the military grade SBM20 Geiger Tube to detect gamma and x-ray ionising radiation. It also features a digital temperature sensor.
SensorParameterMinimum valueMaximum value
Dallas DS18B20Temperature-55 °C+125 °C
SBM20 *γ,x-rays0.01μSv/h9999.99μSv/h
* Each Model A dosimeter is subjected to a final test: the tested device must be in a confidence interval of 5% in comparison to a master. This master is adjusted to a gauged reference Cs-137 emitter.
The purpose of the Model A is to generate a global image on the radioactive background level, ranging from natural sources such as soils rich in radioactive elements to man made sources mostly released in case of nuclear incidents, illegal nuclear activities or illegal transportation of nuclear materials. Being spread across the entire planet, the network of Model A detectors provides early warning and action can be taken to limit further damage. Ionizing radiation is harmful to living organisms because it can cause damage to cells that can result in multiple disorders , the most common of which is cancer. Ionizing radiation is naturally occurring from cosmic and terrestrial sources, but there are also artificial generators related to nuclear activities or x-ray devices . Worldwide global average dose is 3.01mSv [1].

[1] Radiation Health Effects, US Environmental Protection Agency
The model A is designed as a fixed monitoring station. Monitoring radiation brings certain advantages over simply using a handheld unit occasionally. First it's the capability of identifying the radiation trend, due to long term measurements, and taking action in regards to the evolution of numbers rather than not knowing how to interpret short time readings. Then with long term continuous monitoring we get a clue even on low level changes that often evade portable localized readings (unless the levels are higher). Finally having an automated system monitoring radiation 24/7 results in keeping you informed all the time, not only on occasional situations like when using a handheld for an isolated check. The data can be viewed remotely on a computer or on a mobile device. You can also access the unit in your LAN directly, by opening its DHCP assigned IP in your Internet browser. model_A_front_back
VoltageExternal5V - 9V
MicrocontrollerAtmega328p8 bit
EnclosureRugged aluminium110x80x24 mm
TemperatureOperating Range-20°C to +65°C
Your uRADMonitor should be mounted outside, but not directly exposed to sun, to avoid overheating in warmer areas. A covered spot with some shadow in the free air is ideal. The unit has a rugged aluminium enclosure that is rainproof when mounted with the cables down. The enclosure has wall-mounting brackets, making installation easy. A distance of 1 meter (3 feet) above the ground level is recommended for more relevant measurements. Connect the uRADMonitor to the power source using the DC cable and the power adapter, and to the Internet router using the Ethernet cable. Use a longer cable if needed. The Internet router must have DHCP enabled. When powered, the uRADMonitor gets an IP automatically, via DHCP, and will show up on the map. It uses very little energy to run!


Hardware version 4

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Intended as open source for those who want to build their own dosimeter with their own tools, this is also available pre-assembled. It measures Gamma radiation and with the integrated Ethernet connectivity will send all measurements automatically via the Internet. Add a battery and it can also be used as a portable dosimeter, showing all measurements on the LCD.
It comes with:
Power adapter, power cable, ethernet cable, instructions, Programmer

Out of stock.

More: Example | Datasheet | API | USB

Price: $249 USD

Trance, USA: "It indeed seems like an extremely comprehensive and sturdy device."

uRADMonitor model KIT1 uses the military grade SBM20 Geiger Tube to detect hard beta, gamma and x-ray ionising radiation.
SensorParameterMinimum valueMaximum value
HackableAdd any additional sensors
The KIT1 improves global image on the radioactive contamination, ranging from natural sources such as soils rich in radioactive elements to man made sources mostly released in case of nuclear incidents, illegal nuclear activities or illegal transportation of nuclear materials. Being spread across the entire planet, the network of uRADMonitor detectors provides early warning and action can be taken to limit further damage. As an open source design it can be hacked and modded to add more sensors in a convenient way, using a proven robust platform. Ionizing radiation is harmful to living organisms because it can cause damage to cells that can result in multiple disorders , the most common of which is cancer. Ionizing radiation is naturally occurring from cosmic and terrestrial sources, but there are also artificial generators related to nuclear activities or x-ray devices . Worldwide global average dose is 3.01mSv [1].

[1] Radiation Health Effects, US Environmental Protection Agency
The KIT1 can be used both as a mobile detector and as a fixed monitoring station. It is released as Open Source, with complete specs publicly available. You can purchase it as an assembled unit, usable out of the box, or as a solderable kit, and then you'll need to assemble it first. This is a versatile product: you can use it as a fixed monitoring station, then simply hook up a battery and take it with you as a mobile dosimeter. The data can be viewed on the LCD or remotely on a computer or on a mobile device. You can also access the unit in your LAN directly, by opening its DHCP assigned IP in your Internet browser. model_KIT1
VoltageExternal5V - 9V
Battery3V (2xAA)
MicrocontrollerAtmega3288 bit
Size110x60x12 mm
If you intend to use the KIT1 as a monitoring station, find a protective enclosure that is rainproof and a covered spot with some shadow in the free air. A distance of 1 meter (3 feet) above the ground level is recommended for more relevant measurements. Connect the uRADMonitor to the power source using the DC cable and the power adapter, and to the Internet router using the Ethernet cable. Use a longer cable if needed. The Internet router must have DHCP enabled. When powered, the uRADMonitor gets an IP automatically, via DHCP, and will show up on the map. The LCD will dim after a certain time, to conserve power.


Hardware version 5

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This is a compact portable environmental dosimeter, capable of measuring Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation but also air quality as PM2.5 and Volatile organic compounds. It is a modern design, featuring a large colour LCD screen with touchscreen, a GPS receiver to tag all measurements and a SDCard slot. It comes with WLAN connectivity to send all data online.
It comes with:
Power adapter, Micro USB cable, instructions, 8GB Kingston SDCard

Out of stock.

More: Example | Datasheet | API | USB

Price: $749 USD

Elia, Germany: "hope that your project will be successful and that the network will continue to grow!"

uRADMonitor model D uses the BME680 from Bosch to measure air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and volatile organic compounds, or VOC. A Sharp photoelectric sensor is used to detect the Particulate Matter PM2.5 concentration in air. A high quality LND712 Geiger Tube Made in the USA allows this dosimeter to detect alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray ionising radiation.
SensorParameterMinimum valueMaximum value
Bosch BME680Temperature-40 °C+85 °C
Pressure300 hPa1100 hPa
Humidity0% RH100% RH
VOC0 mg/m³100 mg/m³ reducers
10 mg/m³ oxidizers
Sharp GP2Y1010AU0FPM2.50 μg/m³ 800 μg/m³
LND LND712 *α,β,γ,x-rays0.005μSv/h5000.00μSv/h
* Each Model D dosimeter is subjected to a final test: the tested device must be in a confidence interval of 5% in comparison to a master. This master is adjusted to a gauged reference Cs-137 emitter.
The purpose of the model D detector and that of the entire uRADMonitor network is to monitor chemical and physical factors that can have a negative impact on our health or on the environment. Using its advanced sensors, the model D monitors against the following potentially hazardous parameters: air_pollution_uradmonitor_d
Picture: Air pollution can shorten our lifespan, this is why we need uRADMonitor
VOC or volatile organic compounds, are a class of substances that evaporate at room temperature. Being different substances, may be responsible for a broad category of disorders, including respiratory problems, allergic or weakening immunity in children. Some VOC 's are responsible for the formation of smog, irritation of eyes, nose and throat, headaches and concentration problems. In extreme circumstances, more severe complications can occur, such as damage to liver, kidney and central nervous system or cancer [1].
Ionizing radiation is harmful to living organisms because it can cause damage to cells that can result in multiple disorders , the most common of which is cancer. Ionizing radiation is naturally occurring from cosmic and terrestrial sources, but there are also artificial generators related to nuclear activities or x-ray devices . Worldwide global average dose is 3.01mSv [2].
Particulate matter PM2.5 refers to small particles with a diameter of up to 2.5 microns. These particles can penetrate deep into the lungs , causing allergies, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases [3].

[1] Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air Quality, US Environmental Protection Agency
[2] Radiation Health Effects, US Environmental Protection Agency
[3] Health and Environmental Effects of Particulate Matter (PM), US Environmental Protection Agency
These are mobile units powered by a high capacity Lithium Ion rechargeable battery, with a GPS receiver for location mapping and Wifi connectivity, but also with a SDCard slot to store all readings when WLAN is not available. This not only addresses radioactivity in a similar way to existing top-notch dosimeters, but it also measures the air pollution, contributing with valuable data to the uRADMonitor network. The model D also features an Alarm built in and has a touchscreen to provide visual and audible indications, keeping you informed all the time. Using the uRADMonitor backend infrastructure and model D's wireless data sharing capabilities, the global readings provide useful data on pollution, its geographical distribution, and evolution in time. model_D_front_back
Picture: Complex uRADMonitor motherboard front and bottom view
BatteryLithium Ion1500mAh
First fix27s / 1s
SDCardTypeMicroSD SDHC
MicrocontrollerAtmega25618 bit
Real Time ClockGPS synced-
EnclosureRugged aluminium110x70x24 mm
While intended exclusively as a portable dosimeter, there's nothing against using the model D as a fixed monitoring station. You will only need to keep the power cable inserted and make sure the WLAN is connected. If left outdoors, make sure the unit is protected from the elements. The LCD dims after a certain amount of time to conserve power.
Product Manual
Technical Datasheet
API and Server Specs
Product Limited Warranty terms
uRADMonitor with WIFI Configuration manual

USB Driver
In their recent versions, Windows, Linux and MacOS come with built in drivers for your uRADMonitor unit. Use the following resources only if the built in drivers do not work for you.
CH340g driver for Windows
CH340g driver for Linux
CH340g driver for MacOS


Hardware version 1

Serial Geiger module
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The easy way to Radiation Sensing! This is a compact radiation sensor board of only 37x12mm, fully digital and easy to integrate in any project. Is a complete Geiger-Muller tube driver module with UART communication to a host microcontroller. The module contains an adjustable, regulated, digital high voltage inverter (default set to 380V, max up to 1000V), a digital pulse counter, a precise - crystal based time counter and a serial communication interface. Add radiation sensing functionality to your project in no time, without having to worry about the complicated Geiger Counter electronics. You just get the CPM value on the serial port in seconds. Ideal for drones, robots and compact portable Radiation Dosimeters. A huge variety of Geiger tubes is supported, of various types and voltages. Checkout the datasheet below for the UART communication protocol details and wiring.
It comes with:
The fully assembled module, instructions. Geiger tube not included.

Available, ships right away.

More: Example | Datasheet | API | USB

Price: $30 USD

Elia, Germany: "hope that your project will be successful and that the network will continue to grow!"