This Guide is written for MacOS users, however, there is a dedicated Firmware Update Guide for other platforms.
What do we need?
1. Smoggie hardware. (Smoggie-PM, Smoggie-CO2, and Smoggie-Gas)
2. The provided USB cable (or any usb cable that also has data transfer capability).
3. The new firmware. For this contact support (send the model and the serial number printed on the device or the device ID from the map).
4. Download Tasmotizer for MacOS – program to flash a hardware.
As far as I understood, this software was built for a certain type of hardware in mind, however, the flashing procedure is all the same and can be done with any hardware, such as the Smoggie.
How to install firmware?
1. Open the Tasmotizer app (do not plug in the Smoggie into the computer yet)
The Tasmotizer app will list all of the connected devices, though they have machine-like names and we need to figure out which one is our Smoggie.
In order to do that, we look at our current list of connected devices from the “Select port” dropdown and see which one appears after we connect the Smoggie.

2. Connect Smoggie to your computer. (In this case it is a Smoggie CO2)
Hit Refresh and check out the new tty.* device and select it.

3. Select BIN file from the “Select image” section, open and browse for the supplied firmware.bin file
4. Select “Backup original firwmare” in case something breaks.
5. Select “Erase before flashing”.

6. Hit “Tasmotize!”

The process will take about a minute. Wait another minute for the Smoggie to reboot and power cycle it (disconnect and reconnect the Smoggie). It should keep the original WIFI settings.
When ready,
Go on the uradmonitor map, select your sensor and check the new firmware (SW) version. Though give it a few minutes to update.

That’s it!
Installing the sensor outdoors
This is an easy task, the sensor’s enclosure offers sufficient protection so you can directly install it on a wall or on a pole. Fix the sensor using the two brackets, then secure the power cable and connect it to the power adapter in a secure place.

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