For the third time at Viva Technology in Paris 16-18 May, following the 2016 and the 2018 editions, this was our second participation as an exhibitor – at the Orange stand, as part of the international Orange Fab program.

The first day was intense, right from the start with the gates open for over 100k people! The organisers did a better job and the exhibitors finally could reach the stands before the visitors rushed in on a separate queue. President Emmanuel Macron was there to show his support for technology and innovation:

Emmanuel Macron at the Viva Tech 2019, right next to the uRADMonitor booth.

The uRADMonitor stand was ready for the many visitors showcasing our products, a live demo and the new uRADMonitor SMOGGIE.

The uRADMonitor booth at the Orange Pavilion

The fair was big and clearly a success. The innovation however, seems to be taking a break. We push a lot on this buzzword yet we continue to see the same mainstream directions everywhere: #IOT, #AI, #VR, #3DPRINTING without any out of the extraordinary applications. Unless this changes in the near future, we’d better stop using terms like “disruptive”.

Here are some of the things presented at the fair:

Luis Vuiton X408 sneakers and bags, all with OLED displays and a price tag to match:

Can’t touch this! 🙂

IBM’s Watson (still) dreaming about “changing the world” with this (oldschool) image processing segmentation that with some effort could also run on an i386:

Probably a little better then Microsoft’s (OpenCV) “AI” implementation to guesstimate the age

Sorry, but just take a little break and think about these big guys could do with their money if they were a little serious. Next is a European version of the Boston Dynamics Big Dog, just that it is (only) 11 years late:

Let’s call this one “Latedog”

Here’s what Boston Dynamics did in the meantime:

And the prize for the most original idea goes, of course, to Valeo, for their “Smart Technology for Smarter Cars” idea with the Air Quality Mapping, only 5 years after uRADMonitor went global:

Guys, you must have been sleeping all this time.

3D Printing offered a few examples, here’s one for jewellery using SLA, and another one using 3D printing in a gel, for support, not very precise but probably fits a few cases:

SLA 3D printing used for Jewellery
3D Printing in gel

Ok , enough for now. Seriously, as said, unless we do something truly interesting, we’d better quit using big terms like “disruptive innovation”. But maybe you feel in a different way. Let me know in the comments section below which is your favourite of all the tech presented above.