The entire uRADMonitor effort fights to solve pollution at global level. We are grateful for all the community support we received so far: this includes our first successfully funded indieGogo campaign and all the uRADMonitor adopters that helped to create a global uRADMonitor network 800 units in size. Last but not least, visionary people involved in responsible corporations, helped this effort even further.
The project evolved not only in size, but also in number of products developed. The uRADMonitor A3 is probably the best uRADMonitor product developed so far, proving excellent reliability during exploitation. It is packed with an impressive number of sensors and four different connectivity options that make it fit for any environmental monitoring scenario in homes, offices or cities:
Collaborative effort
Apparently things are on an ascending trend, however there’s an issue: The network distribution is not uniform, with a predominant presence in more developed countries. These places have better regulations on environmental protection. Except industry and traffic there’s an (economically) sustained effort to limit dangers to human health. On the other hand, less developed areas are lacking proper regulations and pollution control. The uRADMonitor network is practically inexistent here due reasons unrelated to awareness and will, but rather to costs.
It’s not enough to guard the cities of a few regions of the planet. Pollution is a global phenomenon impacting each and all of us, as air and water know no boundaries. We’re planning to launch a new crowdfunding campaign before the end of this month, dubbed “Uniform data – uniform rights”, in an effort of covering those places on Earth where there is no air quality data and people need it most.
While the campaign details are not yet finalised, it will likely involve double perks, where the backer gets one uRADMonitor A3 unit and sponsors a second unit that is dispatched to the more disadvantaged locations. We plan to set an example on collaborative effort on solving global problems, using the technology and know-how behind the uRADMonitor project. Spread the word, and let’s do it!
IndieGogo campaign is live
Help us bring air quality monitoring to locations where people don’t afford it and are most affected! Support the uRADMonitor indieGogo campaign.
What a fantastic and noble idea
Thank you, I’m now working to make it happen.
regardless of the time of cheap electronics, the monitor contains several expensive sensor.
this greatly increases the cost of the product. and in many undeveloped countries, the cost of such a device is proportional to the monthly wage, or its half, third, etc.
There are several ways to provide perks:
1. As described above – when buying, buy the second one for those who can not pay for the purchase.
thus it is necessary to form applications from people who are not able to buy independently.
2. organize a voluntary donation to the purchasers. for example +5, +10, +15 dollars more main price.
in the future, distribute the collected funds with similar discounts for other buyers: -5, -10 dollars. from the main price, and so on.
3. to form a map of interested persons who want to install a monitor, but do not have the funds, to allow sponsors to choose who to sponsor recipient. for example, if I am living near a nuclear power plant, then there is a high probability that my monitor will be sponsored more quickly. Provide the possibility of direct communication between sponsor and beneficiary. to force the privileged person to contribute to the development of a map of monitors, to fulfill the terms of the sponsor and to report on the installation and compliance with the conditions.
4. to consider the possibility of raising funds for the most interesting projects.
Personally, I constantly go to work on business trips to different parts of the country, travel to work free time, visit both natural and engineering objects. I would be able to constantly take a monitor on my way and, as a result, to cover a huge monitoring area. This requires a monitor with a GPS module, and a sponsor. which agrees to cooperate with me to realize the collection of these data.
I hope your project will develop like others, and you will be able to send monitors to everyone who wants as flightradar24.
Excellent suggestions, thank you.
campaign is live https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/air-quality-monitoring-network/x/7951265#/