Home Forum Support uRADMonitor 41000002 Disappeared

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  • #3352

    G’day Radhoo
    My unit (uRADMonitor 41000002) has disappeared from the map. When I look at my profile it states I haven’t got a monitor. Coords are lat -37.3987° ; lon 144.6167° ; elevation 630m (datum WGS84)




    Aha, I see we have moved to Geelong about 100km away. I understand that, in the absence of better data, the map relies on an address gleaned from the ip address, but the Dashboard indicates there are no units attached to my account?


    In the dashboard you’ll see the units that share the same external IP as you do. This means you need to be at the same location as your unit. Then you can assign the unit to your account, and further manage it without having to share the same location.

    If this is not possible, I’ll assign it to you manually, but let me know first.

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