Okay… I’m able to get a little further…
root@pine64:~# curl -X GET -H “X-User-id:3796” -H “X-User-hash:MYHASH” http://data.uradmonitor.com/api/v1/devices/5100001F
{“cpm”:”Radiation”,”voltage”:”Voltage”,”duty”:”Duty cycle”,”all”:”All”}
the above response seems to be wrong…
How can I get the same data as from my local setup?
###example of json response### {“data”:{ “id”:”5100001F”,”type”:”5″,”detector”:”SBM20″,”cpm”:12,”temperature”:0.00,”uptime”: 64042}}
I just want the CPM value to be logged into my local database & I want to access the data through the cloud so that I can use the uradmonitor anywhere.