It’s time for the West side of the US to be featured here with the first uRADMonitor unit joining in from Arizona. Live data can be seen here.

Here is a quick comparison on its current measurements, and the initial ones before sending the unit:

At its new location in Arizona, the unit shows a cyclic variation in the background radiation field, with a period of 24 hours. The minimum is reached at 4:30am local hour, and the maximum 12 hours later, at 16:30 local hour:

The values for the other parameters are included below:


Voltage on Geiger tube:

Duty cycle for high voltage inverter:

And a comparison showing both temperature (cyan) and radiation in cpm (red) on one chart just to observe any possible relation:
The data is too short for now, but more tests will be performed and this phenomenon investigated further.

Update 14/07/19:
There’s been some interesting feedback on GCE, a part has been included below:
“This unit is … located in Flagstaff, AZ at 7000 ft elevation. So I am probably the highest location so far. Solar events could bet the reason, Lightning storms, of which we here in Flagstaff have had over the last several days (I read that high elevation lightning can generate gamma rays). And with regards to wind direction; if the wind blows from the Northeast over the Colorado Plateau where there are numerous uranium mines and exposures this will bring in radioactive dust and radon. And if it comes with heavy rain even more so.
Currently I have this unit in my 130 year old western frame home against the wall. This old house has many cracks in its flooring and even with the doors closed it changes air with the outside frequently. Under the house is a craw space so the unit is from the ground about 2′ above it.