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  • #1870

    I wanted to add a banner for uRADMonitor on my website and couldn’t find an existing one so I figured to make one.

    The image of the skyscraper style banner is attached to this post.
    Please let me know what you think, If needed I can also make a few in other dimension.

    If there is any reason not to use it then just delete this post


    That’s nice. You can also have the banner show the actual radiation levels of any unit in the network.

    Here’s an example (just replace the ID for changing the unit):


    It can be used as image source, in the < img HTML tag. This API will change soon, however.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by uRADMonitor.

    Hmmm, not sure if it can be done in a banner, but it would be nice to match the IP of the client to the nearest monitor near that IP and then include that image like you said.

    Or, is it possible to generate that image included with a link back to the home page, that would make a seperate banner obsolete, but then everyone can add his local monitor data, (or any other monitor) to a website and automatically links back to uradmonitor.com

    This will also do magic to the google ranking when more and more people link back. 🙂

    AND you can see in your webstats from where all the images are loaded and how many people have viewed them.


    Very good ideas, thank you, yes I believe checking the IP to provide the closest monitor is possible. I’ll have it done with the new API.

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