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Vote for uRADMonitor!

What the bloggers say

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Chivas The Venture is a global competition that offers 1 million dollars to those businesses that have a signifiant impact on people. uRADMonitor fights to solve the pollution problems, by increasing awareness and making the invisible visible so we can take better care of us and the environment. We won in the semifinals, now the tough part begins.

Vote for us!

We are now competing with 4 other companies for a chance to win the grand prize. There is a public voting component and here is where you can help:

Open the voting page by clicking here and select your birthday. You need to be over 18 to vote, as the sponsor is Chivas and they produce alcohol. Select uRADMonitor, next enter your First Name (Prenume), Last Name (Nume), Email and Company (Companie) and press the button (TRIMITE) to vote.

You can see the results using the “Vezi total Voturi” button. All votes need to be confirmed by clicking the link sent by email.

Thank you!

We are grateful for your support on this long path we are walking. We remain committed to building something that matters, that has an impact on people, and your helps takes us one step closer!