
Model A – Production Ready!

The uRADMonitor Project is a network of radiation detectors covering locations all over the Globe. The Model A is the first designed, it is an automated GM detector in a rugged aluminium housing which responds predominantly although not exclusively to gamma radiation. Count rate data is recorded and transmitted continuously via built in Ethernet adapter […]


Česká Čermná

Česká Čermná is a village and municipality in Náchod District in the Hradec Králové Region of the Czech Republic. The village is located close to the Polish border. A dedicated website is available where you can find more information on this location. The village location is covered by the excellent website, where we can […]


Unit in Australia up and running

The first uRADMonitor unit on the Australian continent went online the last few days. Located in close vicinity to Melbourne, the uRADMonitor unit #12000003 offers continuous background radiation surveillance. The unit’s current measurements show an average of 10CPM (approximated to 0.10uSv/h):