Home Forum Support Questions about uRADMonitor API

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    How fast the data is available via uRADMonitor API after it was sent to the server?
    The data between two timestamps is averaged?
    Also, the timestamp is in UTC?

    I ask these questions because when I query the API for my unit (http://data.uradmonitor.com/api/v1/devices/41000006/temperature) the latest reading that I’ve got is from 1451671853 which is 01/01/2016 @ 6:10pm (UTC) (localtime is 01/01/2016 11:23pm UTC+2).


    1. Instantly
    2. No (but will be soon. Server holds 10 min interval data, with only the last measurement being recorded, while the devices send data every 1 min. Instead of holding only the 10th measurement, an average will be implemented for all 10 values).
    3. Yes

    I suspect this is related to the other issue you’ve observed. I’ll need to investigate it further and report back.



    Hi, @radhoo.

    I found that some city names have bad encoding in the JSON data published here:
    “id”:”1100000E”, “city”:”Timi?oara” (this also occurs for other ids)


    Thank you for this report.

    I just fixed the issue and the names should be correctly encoded now.


    Hi Radu, I’m trying to figure out the actual time of the timestamp in data reports… For example I downloaded data at 08:49 on 25 March 2017 and it reads:

    1490410770 -31.381897 -57.951878 35 27.5 11 377 350

    How do I decipher this? 1490410770 is there a table showing time stamps and real time? Like a celsius to fahrenheit conversion table. Thanks!


    At 09:49 I’ll do another download to help me figure out the time correlation… but, I’ll probably still need some guidance, not knowing at what time the data capture is in relationship to the download time… thought I could help myself by capturing the joined date/time, but it reflect today’s info… 25 March.. my uptime is 253080s (that’s seconds, right?)


    Hi @SaltoUYStation,

    Those are standard Unix timestamps (seconds from the beginning of Unix calendar, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
    Using this online converter the timestamp 1490410770 translates to 03/25/2017 @ 2:59am (UTC).


    Sweet! Thanks so much, Christian, really appreciate it, never was good at math, makes my head hurt… lol. ~ Pia


    oops… something’s up (or back) with my timestamps…


    The uptime is just the number of seconds since the device was turned on.

    The timestamps in the data exports (via API calls or the Dashboard Data tab) are true unix timestamps and can be converted as NOX explained.

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